Cheers to 10 Years

As I sit here reflecting on the last ten years, I’m overwhelmed with emotions. A lot, and I do mean a lot, has happened throughout those years. Mostly, it was good, but there were some moments I’d like to forget. There are a few instances that I’d like to have a “do-over,” and then there are some that I just shake my head and know that no matter what I’d done, it wouldn’t have mattered.
When I was a little girl being raised by a single dad and two grandmothers, I was shuffled around constantly. Being an only child, I was forced to occupy myself, and one of the ways I did that was by spending hours looking through the latest Lillian Vernon magazine (yes, I know that aged me because not many reading this will even know what that is). I would make lists of items I wanted to have in my store. I dreamed of a place for customers where they felt like family and to offer them the latest and greatest of the best-selling items.
Until ten years ago, life had other plans for me, and I’d just been going with the flow. My desire to be a store owner finally began at age 41.Throughout these ten years, we’ve graduated countless girls, watched them get married and have babies. Some have moved away, and others are still hanging in there with me as if I know what I am doing. To those who are still with me, thank you for being my brain when it’s broken, for being willing to Google how to refill the credit card paper machine, and for believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself.
Our rock star team has had some curveballs thrown at them, but they are resilient, dedicated, and passionate about their jobs and serving our customers. Something I can tell you about owning a boutique is that it is not an easy job. In fact, in my 30-year career it has been the most challenging of any job I've ever had (with the exception of being a parent because that takes the cake).
The boutique world is an ever-changing industry. Use your imagination and then multiply what you come up with by 100, and that will give you an idea of how much it changes. Sure, fashion trends are ever-changing, but the technology aspect is beyond my comprehension. If you had told me we would have live sales with hundreds of people watching us all across the country, I would have laughed at you! Reels, stories, snaps, I have no idea about and yet here we are with over a million likes on TikTok. Heck, we even survived a pandemic! Look at us pivoting to keep our customers feeling as confident as ever in the latest styles.
To our customers who have been there since day one, thank you for your continued support. You’ve allowed our small business to provide a flexible work environment for our employees, give back to our schools and communities through sponsorships and donations, and support organizations important to us, such as our local FCA and Children’s Home.
To past customers who don’t shop with us anymore for whatever reason, I want to personally ask that you give us another chance and apologize if there was something that caused you to stop shopping with us. We would love for you to be a part of our family again and have the opportunity to earn your business.
If you’re reading this and haven’t shopped with us before, please stop by our store on Main Street in downtown Lancaster to meet us, shop our website, download our app, or follow us on social media. We have quite the following, and our girls love being silly. I know you will be
entertained as well as finding that perfect outfit. Our commitment to you, our customers, is unwavering. We strive to provide the best shopping experience and the latest styles, and we value your feedback and support.
During the past year, I’ve spent countless hours planning and preparing for our 10-year celebration by refreshing our website, updating our app, revamping our rewards program, and trying to put into words what I want our customers to think of when they hear “Preppy Pineapple.”
Adding a little color to your everyday life is what I (with the help of a few smarter-than-me friends) came up with. Color is so much more than meets the eye. Color puts liveliness to life and influences how we experience the world around us. Color reflects your mood. Color makes you, you! At Preppy Pineapple, we know that fashion is a form of self-expression that has the power to connect, wield creativity, and boost confidence. It's not about age, size, or body type. It's about feeling good in your skin and being uniquely you.
If I could sum up the last 10 years in one word, it would have to be grateful. Grateful for my team. Grateful for our customers. Grateful for my family, who have seen me at my best and my worst. There’s something truly inspiring about being a part of the Preppy Pineapple community, and the best thing about it is that anyone is welcome.
Thank you for showing up and shopping with us. Here’s to the next 10 years!